The Shilluk's belief in the evil eye, the evil medicine man
article 1919 Oyler, D. S.

ShillukAfrica > Eastern Africa
This article, by a missionary, deals with Shilluk beliefs in sorcery. The author discusses the evil eye and the diseases attributed to this power, the social position and relations of persons believed to possess the evil eye, the manner in which such...

The Shilluk's belief in the good medicine men
article 1920 Oyler, D. S.

ShillukAfrica > Eastern Africa
This article describes the functions of shamans among the Shilluk. It discusses beliefs regarding their document of power, the physical characteristics of medicine men and their children, and the degree to which shamans are specialized among themselv...

The Shilluk peace ceremony
article 1920 Oyler, D. S.

ShillukAfrica > Eastern Africa
The author describes the settlement of a feud which he witnessed while serving as a missionary among the Shilluk. He discusses the role of the king, district chief, and neighboring chieftains in bringing about peace as well as the ceremonies of peace...

Shilluk notes
article 1926 Oyler, D. S.

ShillukAfrica > Eastern Africa
This article, written by a missionary, describes some Shilluk customs and beliefs. It deals with their attitudes toward storms and lightning and the behavior and rituals connected with these natural phenomena. Initiation of young boys and girls and t...

Nikawng's place in the Shilluk religion
article 1918 Oyler, D. S.

ShillukAfrica > Eastern Africa
This article deals with the religious and medical beliefs and practices of the Shilluk. Various aspects of the religion are discussed, including ancestor worship, concepts of the relations of various deities and deified culture heroes to each other, ...